Podujatie XI. Košická neonatologická konferencia a XX. Konferencia sestier pracujúcich v neonatológii je určené len pre zdravotníckych pracovníkov. Pre pokračovanie na stránku podujatia, potvrďte prosím, že ste zdravotníckym pracovníkom, alebo zvoľte možnosť "Nepokračovať na stránku podujatia".
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  • XI. Košická neonatologická konferencia a XX. Konferencia sestier pracujúcich v neonatológii

    4. – 5. 6. 2024 | Kunsthalle Rumanova 1, Košice

Steven Donn (USA)
1.    Aspects of hypotermia
2.    PAH and BPD: to treat or not?
3.    Ventilatory management od BPD

Gianluca Lista (Italy)
1.    Sustained inflation: is it still in fashion?
2.    How to allow an optimal lung recruitment of the preterm infant?
3.    Lung protective ventilation of the preterm lung: what do we know?

Peter Krcho (Slovakia)
1.    Individualised management of the transition in LBW and late preterm newborns 
2.    Evaluation of the bedside bilirubin concentration from capillary blood – advantages
3.    Multiple vascular malformation in a newborn

Samir Gupta (Qatar, GB)
1.    Physiology based management of pulmonary hypertension
2.    Evidence based management of Patent Ductus Arteriosus in ELBW infants
3.    How to set up a functional Echo training programme on the NICU

Istvan Seri (USA, Hungary)
1.    Comprehensive cardiorespiratory and neuroprotective monitoring and predictive mathematical modelling in critically ill neonates: The road to the use of machine learning and AI in neonatology
2.    The haemodynamic antecedents of P/IVH in the extremely preterm neonate
3.    Evidence-based approach to the management of neonatal circulatory failure in the third decade of the 21st century

Lee Collier (GB)
1.    Neonatal transport 
2.    Stabilisation before transport


Daniele De Luca (France)
1.    Ultrasound Guided Surfactant Administration

Jiří Dušek (Czech Republic)
1.    Target fortification in newborns below 32 GV. Why and how?
2.    Nutritional support systems in newborns under 32 GV system optimization
3.    Micronutrient, fluid substitution and impact on morbidity, mortality

Iva Burianová (Czech Republic)
1.    Mother milk banks 
2.    Management of healthy newborns – could we do it better? 


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